
This page lists relevant resources to the OKBQA hackathon with specification to the contact person.


  • LODQA - Natural language query processing system over LOD (Jin-Dong Kim, Kevin Cohen)

  • TBSL - Template-based Question Answering over RDF data

Text Annotation

  • PubDictionaries - Dictionary-based text and term annotation (Jin-Dong Kim)

  • NCBO annotator - annotate text using bioportal ontologies using exact or substring matches (Michel Dumontier)

  • DBpedia Spotlight - looks for ~3.5M things of unknown or ~320 known types in text and tries to link them to their global unique identifiers in DBpedia.

Ontology Search

  • BioPortal - search the repository of 6M terms in 375+ ontologies (Michel Dumontier)

  • OntoFinder - Biomedical ontology search and term collection (Jin-Dong Kim)

KBs and Linked Open Data Projects

relevant subsets

Benchmark data